Medical Networks, a good start?

Medical Networks, a good start?

The Medical Community has newly developed innovative strategies in order to improve the conversation between professionals through a secure platform with the right tools to facilitate global communication and interaction. Social4Med the Latest Global Medical Network...
Doctors and the Web

Doctors and the Web

The figure of the doctor changes over time, the duty to treat remains unchanged. Change the approach and knowledge of the disease with the means that technology offers, more and more sophisticated and precise. The need for updating is an indispensable condition for...
Share and Cure

Share and Cure

Years ago, starting our adventure in the world of Medicine, knowledge was linked to the textbooks, publications, conferences, lectures, seminars that kept us up to date on new diagnostic and therapeutic options. The disclosure was slowly traveling between the tracks...
A stitch … extends the Life

A stitch … extends the Life

Life, as we know, is often hanging by a thread. How many times we have gotten surprised for unexpected news when a loved one in full health, is suddenly lacking. That thread that binds us to life can be broken in a moment. Interrupting and affecting us emotionally and...
The Most Common Heart Diseases

The Most Common Heart Diseases

Coronary arteries supply oxygen and nutrients to cardiac myocellulas. The contractility of the heart and therefore the pump function is proportional to the good function of the coronary circle. The reduction of coronary flow by stenosis of one or more coronary arteries or even occlusion causes damage to the tributary myocellulas of those arteries, which lack oxygen, suffer and die. This is the genesis of ischemia and myocardial infarction.